An introverts guide to conferences

We're not ready to talk about the end of summer, so instead we'll talk about what we're most excited for this fall: conferences! While there's a few we want to highlight, you know this newsletter isn't about promotion. So we're taking a look at how to get the most out of conferences. These events can be a double edged sword. Sure, you learn a lot, but they can also be overwhelming and draining.

That's why I created the introverts guide to conferences! I surveyed some of my (and your) favorite introverts to find out how they survive and thrive during big events. Let’s start with Courtney Ranstrom, Partner and Advisor at Trailhead Planners, who’s also speaking on Mental Health at Future Proof in September.

Get the most out of conferences

Feeling overwhelmed? Grab an extrovert

Several of the people we spoke with suggested grabbing an extroverted friend to be your conference buddy. That person can either take you around and introduce you to the folks you should meet… or let you stand in your safe space and bring those new acquaintances over to you.

If you don’t have a go-to extrovert, both Ana Trujillo Limón of Carson Group and The Better Letter author Bob Seawright recommend planning a meal with friends. This provides you with some downtime amidst a chaotic schedule, but you don’t have to eat alone.

We should note that Ana is going to be at Carson Group’s annual Excell Conference, and so are we! If you use the code OHM200 you can even get $200 off your registration.

Don’t forget to be fearless

Yes, we mean fearless in your approach to networking at conferences. But we’re also referring to Riskalyze’s Fearless Investing Summit in October. (Side note: It’s in Salt Lake City, so you have great excuse to visit the country’s greatest state…) Not only is the conference itself sure to wow, the morning before Aaron Klein takes the stage, Females and Finance is putting on the Fearless Women’s Summit. As an Associate Member of Females and Finance, I’ve gotten a sneak peak at what Sheryl Hickerson is cooking up and trust me when I say you won’t want to miss it…


Personalization: What, Why and How